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Elijah Reed
Elijah Reed

Jax - Like My Father (Lyrics)

Jax was raised in Atlantic Beach, New York,[1][6] and moved with her family in 2005 to East Brunswick, New Jersey.[7][8] She began singing at age 5.[9] Her father, John, is a firefighter, who was injured on duty during the September 11 attacks, and her mother, Jill, is a New York City school teacher.[10] After attending the East Brunswick Public Schools, Jax was homeschooled starting in eighth grade, in order to allow her sufficient time for voice lessons, performances and recording.[11]

Jax - Like My Father (Lyrics)

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Raised in New Jersey by way of New York, Jax got her start by performing a wide variety of genres and in bands growing up. At the age of 18, she developed cancer above her vocal cords, which returned following a couple months of remission right as she relocated to Los Angeles in pursuit of her music. Left unable to sing herself, Jax turned to songwriting for others and found industry success behind-the-scenes.As her ability to perform returned, Jax needed to pivot yet again when the COVID-19 pandemic struck. This time she turned to TikTok, posting a hilarious response to the pop gem "Stacy's Mom" from "Stacy's Mom's Perspective" which exploded with nearly 9 million views in just a few months and "Update from Avril Lavigne & Sk8er Boi 18 years later" which became her most successful parody to date with over 14.5 million views. She continued to go viral a dozen or more times over, now having amassed over 4 million followers on the platform and 60 million "likes." With a massive online audience under her belt, Jax began sharing her own original music in late 2020 to an overwhelmingly positive response - ultimately leading to her singing with Atlantic Records for her forthcoming debut full-length.

The song "Like My Father" by Jax (USA) is a tribute to the idea of true love founded on friendship and partnerships. The chorus explicity expresses the need for a man that can offer the same kind of love and care that a father showed for the singer's own mother. The verses and bridge detail some of the desires the singer has for a future romance: to come home to flowers, to share a mutual respect and kindness, to dance in the living room like young sweethearts, to take road trips in the summer, to make fun of each other, and to teach their daughter the same values of true love. Ultimately, the singer hopes to find a man that loves her in the same way that her own father loves her mother.

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