As of June, the Supreme Court had a backlog of 30, 786 cases pending adjudication. From January through September 20 the country’s High Justice Inspector (HJI) received 580 new complaints, of which 95 percent were submitted by citizens. The HJI administered 19 disciplinary investigations, six initiated by the HJI and 13 based on a complaint. The HJI also submitted to the High Judicial Council one request for disciplinary proceedings against a judge. The constitution and law provide for the right to a fair and public trial without undue delay. The law presumes defendants to be innocent until proven guilty. It provides for defendants to be informed promptly and in detail of the charges against them.
Some women and girls, particularly those living in remote areas, faced significant challenges in accessing essential sexual and reproductive health services. Women from historically marginalized communities, including women with disabilities, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI+) persons, Roma, and Balkan-Egyptian women, were often unaware of their entitlement to reproductive health services. The Ministry of Health and Social Protection operated the Lilium Center in Tirana with the support of the UN Development Program to provide integrated services to survivors of sexual violence. The center was in a hospital setting and provided health-care services including emergency contraception, social services, and forensic examinations at a single location by professionals trained in cases of sexual violence.
The law provides for minority-language education and dual official-language use for the local administrative units in which minorities traditionally reside or in which a minority group comprised at least 20 percent of the total population. The government generally enforced these provisions effectively. Birth Registration: An individual acquires citizenship by birth in the country, from a citizen parent, by origin or naturalization. There were no reports of denial of or discrimination in birth registration, but onerous residency and documentation requirements for registration made it more difficult for the many Romani and Balkan-Egyptian parents who lacked legally documented places of residence to register their children.
FSHF - Federata Shqiptare e Futbollit Kombëtarja shqiptare U‑21 është rikthyer në Shqipëri ditën e djeshme, duke nisur menjëherë... Më shumë. FSHF TV. Prag-Bullgaria / Konferenca për media me dy ...
Albania Belgium · Bosnia & Herzegovina flag Bosnia & Herzegovina · Bulgaria flag Bulgaria Turin 2022 · Ronela Hajati. Sekret. Semi-Final. 12th - 58 points. Rotterdam ...
Albania 2022 Report 12 tet 2022 — The agreement with Kosovo was ratified by Albania in March 2022. The negotiations with Bulgaria for a new agreement were concluded in 2021 ...
Survivors in remote areas of the country did not have many options for assistance and support in their areas. Unless they were identified by authorities and transported to Tirana, they were typically referred to shelters for survivors of trafficking. The government established two other centers during the year, specialized in sexual violence and severe forms of violence against children, in Fier and Shkoder. Discrimination: The law provides the same legal status and rights for women as for men including under family, religious, personal status, and nationality laws as well as laws related to labor, property, inheritance, employment, access to credit, and owning or managing businesses or property. Women were underrepresented in many fields at the highest levels. The law mandates equal pay for equal work, although many private employers did not fully implement this provision. In many communities, women experienced societal discrimination based on traditional social norms subordinating women to men.
Kosova siguron medalje dhe finalen në Kampionatin Kosova siguron medalje dhe finalen në Kampionatin Europian “Bulgaria 2022″. KOMENTE. Nga: Euronews Albania. 30-04-2022 05:52. Xhudistja e Kosovës, Laura Fazliu.
Political pressure, corruption, and lack of funding constrained independent print media, and journalists reportedly practiced self-censorship. The International Election Observation Mission report following April 2021 national parliamentary elections assessed journalists remained vulnerable to pressure and corruption (see section 3. ) Economic insecurity due to a lack of enforceable labor contracts reduced reporters’ independence and contributed to bias in reporting.
Other citizens, particularly Roma and Balkan-Egyptians, lacked formal registration in the communities where they resided. The law does not prohibit their registration, but the process was often difficult to complete. Many Roma and Balkan-Egyptians lacked the financial means or necessary information to register. The government cooperated with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and other humanitarian organizations in providing protection and assistance to refugees, returning refugees, or asylum seekers, as well as other persons of concern. In 2021 the government, began accepting Afghan evacuees seeking protection following the change of the Afghanistan government.
Except for regional facilities in Tirana, Gjirokaster, Kukes, Fier, and Korca, conditions in prison facilities operated by the Ministry of Interior, such as police stations and temporary detention centers, were poor. Some detention facilities were unheated during the winter and lacked basic hygienic amenities and sanitizers as measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Facilities were cramped, provided limited access to toilets, and had little or no ventilation, natural light, or beds and benches. Camera monitoring systems were insufficient in most police stations. The General Director of State Police reported that the detention facilities it operated – especially in Tirana, Fier, and Durres – were overcrowded following police operations and due to delays in the admission of detainees.
Gender-biased Sex Selection: According to official figures, in 2021 the ratio of boys to girls at birth was 108 to 100. There were allegations of discrimination targeting members of the Romani and Balkan-Egyptian communities, including in housing, employment, health care, and education. As of August, the commissioner for protection from discrimination received 17 complaints of discrimination on grounds of race and ethnicity, ruling in favor of the complainant in five cases. The law provides official minority status for nine national minorities without distinguishing between national and ethnolinguistic groups. The government defined Greeks, Macedonians, Aromanians (Vlachs), Roma, Balkan-Egyptians, Montenegrins, Bosnians, Serbs, and Bulgarians as national minorities.
The AHC raised concerns with the May 4 suicide of a detainee in the Kavaja police station. The AHC alleged improper implementation of the Criminal Procedures Code related to the detainee’s right to be visited by a doctor, a substandard detention room that allowed for the detainee to hang himself, discrepancies in staff statements, and a failure by authorities to complete necessary records. An internal investigation by the Police Oversight Agency concluded no signs of injuries or evidence of violence occurred. On May 5, the agency arrested three police officers who oversaw the detainee for abuse of duty. Administration: Authorities conducted investigations of credible allegations of mistreatment.
Integrimi në BE, Bullgaria mbështet pa kushte Shqipërinë Integrimi në BE, Bullgaria mbështet pa kushte Shqipërinë. Publikuar më: 10/4/2022, ora 23:07. 10 PRILL 2022 LAJME 19 00 OK frame 9611 1280x720.
Sexual Harassment: The law prohibits sexual harassment, but officials rarely enforced it. The commissioner for protection from discrimination generally handled cases of sexual harassment and could impose fines. Police reported 33 cases of sexual harassment as of September. Reproductive Rights: There were no reports of coerced abortion or involuntary sterilization on the part of government authorities. While there are no legal barriers to access to contraceptives, which were provided free of charge to insured women, women and girls often did not access services for a variety of reasons, including fear of stigma from health-care service providers and members of their community.
As of September, police reported 4, 136 cases of alleged gender-based violence, including other domestic crimes. In 2, 402 cases the police requested protection orders to assist survivors. NGOs reported high levels of gender-based violence, including domestic violence. As of September, seven women had been killed by their partners or family members.
The Albanian Journalists Union (AJU) continued to report delays in salary payments to reporters at many media outlets, in some cases up to six weeks. Financial problems led some journalists to rely more heavily on outside sources of income, leading to questions regarding the independence and integrity of their reporting. Data leaks of information about salaries in December 2021 and January suggested that several prominent journalists and media outlets received direct payments from companies contracted to build incinerators. The incinerator companies were under investigation for alleged corruption and fraud.
Raporte Zyrtare - Ambasada e SHBA në Shqipëri Më shumë informacion mbi Shqipërinë mund të gjeni duke klikuar në faqen e Departamentit të Shtetit. Raporti për të Drejtat e Njeriut 2022 – Shqipëria (WORD ...