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Edward Ovchinnikov
Edward Ovchinnikov

American Raspberry

This genus has two main varieties, Rubus idaeus var. idaeus (European raspberry) which is native to Eurasia and Rubus idaeus var. strigosus (American red raspberry) which is native to a large part of North America. These two cultivars, or a cross of both, are typical of commercially grown raspberries.

american raspberry

Rubus idaeus var. strigosus, commonly called Red raspberry or American red raspberry is a native perennial shrub with an erect and spreading habit. It is primarily grown for its very tasty fruits. First year stems bear only leaves. Lateral branches in the second year produce leaves, flowers and fruits. Pruning is essential in order to keep plants well-maintained, but care must be used to avoid pruning the second-year growth that will bear fruit. It is generally best to prune out old, summer-bearing canes as soon as fruiting is over to encourage new canes. Raspberry roots are perennial but the leaf- and fruit-bearing canes are biennial, each cane living only two growing seasons before dying This plant is moderately resistant to damage from deer and provides excellent cover year round for birds and small mammals. Butterflies and other insects are attracted to the blooms. Its fruits are relished by songbirds, small mammals, foxes, raccoons, and black bears. During the winter, birds and small mammals eat the seeds left from rotted fruit. White-tailed deer and rabbits browse the leaves.

Rubus strigosus, the American red raspberry or American raspberry, is a species of Rubus native to much of North America. It was often treated as a variety or subspecies of the closely related Eurasian Rubus idaeus (red raspberry or European red raspberry),[1][2] but is now more commonly treated as a distinct species.[3][4][5] Many of the commercial raspberry cultivars grown for their fruit derive from hybrids between R. strigosus and R. idaeus; see Raspberry for more details.

The North American Raspberry & Blackberry Association has now released its 2021-2022 list of member nurseries selling raspberry and blackberry plants. The list includes full contact information for each nursery as well as a table detailing cultivars each nursery...

Uses and medicinal lore: Besides producing edible fruit that has long been used to make preserves and jellies, the American Red Raspberry has some interesting medicinal uses. Densmore (Ref. #5) reports that the Minnesota Chippewa used the inner bark of the root to treat diseases of the eye, particularly cataract. A two step process was involved. First the inner bark of a wild rose root was used to remove inflammation; that was followed by taking the scrapings of the second layer of the root of the raspberry, to treat the cataract. Preparation was the same in both cases. The material was placed in a soft cloth, soaking it in warm water and then squeezing the liquid out of the cloth and over the eye - done 3x per day. Unless the cataract was well advanced, this was said to produce improvement. Both Hutchins (Ref. #12) and Harrington (Ref. #9) report that the leaves of the wild raspberry were used to make a tea, either by themselves or in combination with other ingredients, that could be drank during pregnancy, but only in limited amounts to avoid side effects.

A raspberry is actually a cluster of tiny berries, which cling together around a central etaerio. Unlike blackberries for instance, raspberry etaerios remain on the plant when the berries are picked (Davidson, 654). This makes raspberries much softer and easier to eat.

For detailed information and registration, visit or email [email protected]. An early-bird registration discount is in effect through January 20. Registration is also discounted for NARBA members, including those who join with their registration. Both the tour and in-person workshop have limited registration, on a first-come basis.

The North American Raspberry and Blackberry Association was founded in 1985, and its members are growers, researchers, extension workers, nurseries, suppliers, marketers, and others associated with the raspberry and blackberry industry. It has members in 37 states, eight Canadian provinces, and five countries.

Most of the cultivated fruit species in Rubus belong to two subgenera: Idaeobatus (raspberry) and Rubus (formerly Eubatus) (blackberry). Idaeobatus contains european red raspberry (R. idaeus), north american red raspberry (R. strigosus), black raspberry (R. occidentalis), and purple raspberry (R. neglectus). In Pacific Northwestern North America, raspberry and blackberry are important fruit crops where they are sold as fresh fruit and in a number of processed items like juice, yogurt, and desserts. The gross value of caneberries tops $45 million annually in Oregon [U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), 2006].

Eleven of the 13 SSR primer pairs amplified and were polymorphic in raspberry but RhM031 did not amplify a product and RhM018 was monomorphic. In blackberry, 12 of the 13 SSR primer pairs amplified a product but RiG001 from red raspberry did not. As expected, the number of products per primer pair at the 12 SSRs that successfully amplified was higher in blackberry than in raspberry (Table 1). The range was one to 15 alleles in the 48 red raspberries (average, 7.5) and three to 29 in the 48 blackberries (average, 14.4) (Table 1).

At RhM23, 97% of the red raspberry accessions displayed a single genotype (116 of 195) whose alleles were also most frequent in blackberry. At RhM043, the 376-bp allele was most frequent in both crops. In the remaining eight primer pairs (RiM019, RiM015, RiM017, RhM001, RhM003, RhM011, RhM021, RhM043), the most frequent allele in red raspberry was different from in blackberry.

Of 13 SSRs evaluated in 48 genotypes of raspberries and 48 accessions of blackberries, three loci (RiM019, RhM003, RhM011) were highly polymorphic in each crop type, easy to score, and were mapped to single loci. These three SSRs should be evaluated across laboratories and platforms for their potential as a universal red raspberry and blackberry fingerprinting set. SSR-based analysis cannot be used to infer phylogenetic relationships. However, despite the small number of SSRs used, we observed that NJ clustering grouped each of the crop types together, mostly based on pedigrees and the originating breeding program. Blackberries were also divided into the eastern types of lower ploidy and the western cultivars of higher ploidy.

This work was supported by USDA-ARS CRIS 5358-12000-038-00D. Nina Castillo was supported by a Fulbright fellowship. Mapping in the AB MJ raspberry progeny was funded by the Worshipful Company of Fruiterers (London, U.K.).

Standing 14" tall, this little African American boy features Elisabeth's all-wood, articulated body with jointing at his neck, shoulders and hips. He has a delicately hand-painted face with a short, black hand-knotted mohair wig. He wears a fun pair of raspberry colored dungarees with a white shirt. Under this, he wears a delicate one-piece undergarment with tiny, little buttons that fasten down the back for a delicate touch of detail. Black hand-knit socks and leather shoes complete his outfit. He comes with his very own handmade wooden stand to easily display your Pongratz doll. An edition by German artist Elisabeth Pongratz.

Wild Roots Raspberry Infused Vodka is infused with over a pound of real berries in every bottle, this infusion tastes like eating a fresh raspberry straight from the vine. Red raspberries are known for their radiant red color and powerful flavor. Just like the berry, this vodka is the perfect balance between sweet and tart.

Search this siteAphidinae : Aphidini : Aphis rubicola Aphis rubicolaSmall American raspberry aphidOn this page: Identification & DistributionOther aphids on the same hostDamage & ControlIdentification & DistributionAdult apterae of Aphis rubicola (see first three pictures below) are very small, yellowish to green aphids, with mainly pale appendages. The spring form has 6-segmented antennae, but the summer dwarfs have 5-segmented antennae (cf. Aphis rubifolii, which always have 5-segmented antennae). The antennal terminal process is 2.0-2.6 times as long as the base of antennal segment VI. The apical rostral segment (RIV+V) usually has 3-4 accessory hairs. The prothorax and abdominal tergites I & VII usually have marginal tubercles. The dorsal body hairs are mostly very long, the longest being 2.5-4.0 times the basal diameter of antennal segment III (cf. Aphis rubifolii, which has much shorter body hairs). The siphunculi taper from base to flange and are pale or dusky, and sometimes dark at their apices. Abdominal tergite VIII has 3-5 hairs, and the cauda usually has 10-12 hairs. The body length of the Aphis rubicola spring form is 0.9-1.2 mm, with summer dwarfs only 0.6-0.9 mm in length.

European red raspberry (Rubus idaeus ssp. idaeus) is a similar European species that lacks gland-tipped hairs on first-year canes, leaf stalks, flower stalks, and calyces. The leaves are pinnately divided into 5 or 7, rarely 3, leaflets. It sometimes escapes gardens but is not naturalized. 041b061a72




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