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Stanislav Nazarov
Stanislav Nazarov

Malingering VERIFIED

  • processing.... Drugs & Diseases > Psychiatry Malingering Updated: Jan 04, 2022 Author: David Bienenfeld, MD; Chief Editor: Ana Hategan, MD, FRCPC more...

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Consultations Show All References Overview Background Malingering is not considered a mental illness. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), malingering receives a V code as one of the other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention. The DSM-5 describes malingering as the intentional production of false or grossly exaggerated physical or psychological problems. Motivation for malingering is usually external (e.g., avoiding military duty or work, obtaining financial compensation, evading criminal prosecution, or obtaining drugs). [1]


While the physician may wish to educate the patient about better ways of achieving goals than by malingering, the reasons are usually more deeply rooted than just a cognitive deficit and require behavioral interventions, psychotherapy, and counseling.

The physician should determine whether revealing the malingering to the family will do more harm than good. If the family is adversely affected by the malingering behavior, it may be helpful for family members to know that the evidence is strong that no physical ailment is causing the patient's distress. They may be encouraged to resist the patient's efforts to manipulate them to accommodate the feigned illness at their own. While malingerers are both resistant to accepting psychotherapy and refractory to its benefits, family members may benefit from family counseling to develop adaptive approaches to the malingering behavior. [3, 4]

Malingering is prevalent in PTSD, especially in delayed-onset PTSD. Despite the attempts to detect it, indicators, tools and methods to accurately detect malingering need extensive scientific and clinical research. Therefore, this study was designed to validate a tool that can detect malingering of war-related PTSD by Miller Forensic Assessment of Symptoms Test (M-FAST).

The data were analyzed using descriptive methods, and the cutoff points were calculated by sensitivity, specificity, hit rate, and t-test. In this study, the diagnosis, response measurements and research on malingering war-related PTSD were conducted by three separate collaborating groups.

According to Table 3, based on specificities (87) and sensitivities (92), the cutoff point 6 for M-FAST scales was the point of malingering group to war-related PTSD disorder. Also, 92% of malingers to war-related PTSD got more than 6 scores and %87 of PTSD group got less than 6 scores in M-FAST scale (Table 3). The results are shown in Figure 1.

So, our study is in accordance with the previous ones, and shows that M-FAST scales can be effectively used in Iranian veterans with PTSD symptoms. This probably proves that cultural aspects play no major role in the validity of M-FAST scale to detect malingering in veterans. However, one should consider that despite the high detection rate of malingering achieved by M-FAST, it is not 100% diagnostic, and still a good proportion of undetected cases exist. So, interpretation of findings derived from M-FAST should be undertaken cautiously.

The present results suggest M-FAST for detecting malingering of war related PTSD cases among Iranian veterans because M-FAST is a brief scale with high rate of validity in this patient population. Of course, we need further studies for investigating M-FAST ability to detect malingering for other disorders.

The sense evolution in French would be through the notion of beggars who feigned to be sick or exhibited sham sores to excite compassion. Malingerer is attested from 1761, in a translation of de Saxe; malingering as a verbal noun is attested from 1778. Related: Malingered.

Studies have shown that up to 50% of plaintiffs are either malingering or partially malingering. By definition, malingering is the falsification of medical symptoms for secondary gain, often money. Partial malingering is the exaggeration of real medical symptoms for secondary gain. Below are the top 4 signs of malingering that you should look out for on your next file!

1) Bo Derek Syndrome: Plaintiffs looking to maximize the value of their claim often exaggerate the severity of their injuries. When asked about their pain levels, on a scale of 1-10, claimants who are malingering will typically respond with a ten for all body parts.

Malingering, like other forms of deceit, is detected through observation of inconsistency. Inconsistency is most easily detected when there is a combination of subjective and objective measures. In malingering, the modifiable (subjective) tests are poorer than the unmodifiable (objective) tests.

We give juries good reason to be skeptical of a defendant who relies on accusations of malingering, and we want jurors to see the malingering defense for what it really is: an insult without evidence. If you suspect that you have been a victim of negligence resulting in personal injury or a wrongful death, please give us a call.

But Gigante was malingering: a term that describes intentionally producing false symptoms, or grossly exaggerating existing ones, with an external incentive in mind. Those incentives include obtaining financial compensation, housing, or drugs, or avoiding work, military duty or criminal prosecution.

You are being counseled for malingering. Malingering is defined in the UCMJ as: the feigning of illness or physical disablement or intentional self-injury for the purpose of avoiding work, duty, or service. Anyone found guilty of malingering is subject to court martial under Article 115.In order to be charged with malingering, the following conditions must be met:1. that the accused was assigned to and aware of assignment to or availability for the performance of work, duty, or service2. that the accused feigned illness or physical disablement or intentionally inflicted injury upon himself or herself3. that the accused's purpose or intent in doing so was to avoid the work, duty, or serviceWe are all scheduled, on a rotating basis, for two days of radio operator duty with the active special operations team. The schedule is posted at least 30 days in advance.I am aware that, in the past, you occasionally went on sick call and obtained a DNIF waiver which prevented you from performing this duty. Until now, I considered your occasional sick calls an annoyance that occurred at inopportune times. I had to task someone else, on short notice, to perform this duty in your place. I accepted your explanation that these recurring physical ailments were unfortunate events and did not question your integrity.But yesterday, our new Operations NCO charted the last 6 months of work schedules and overlaid all leaves, sick calls, and other absences. It became immediately obvious that all of your sick calls and subsequent DNIF waivers over the last 6 months correlated exactly with your scheduled assignment to the special ops team.Although questioning an NCO's integrity is the last thing I would normally do, in this instance it is apparent that you have been shirking your duties and letting your peers risk their lives in your place. There is absolutely no excuse for this kind of blatant disregard for one's duties and team members. Your actions have exposed you as someone who abused the system to avoid your responsibilities and to hide from danger. You have demonstrated that you cannot function as a team member. I believe that you meet all conditions (noted above) for and qualify for the charge of malingering. Last 6 months of schedules with annotated duty assignments and associated waivers are attached.

The maximum punishment for malingering varies depending on whether the service member is simply feigning illness or intentionally hurt themselves. For example, the act of feigning illness, physical disablement, mental lapse, or mental derangement carries the risk of a dishonorable discharge, total forfeitures, and confinement for a year. In contract, intentional self-inflicted injury carries up to 5 years confinement.

MJA has defended service members facing investigation, court-martial, and discipline for some of the most serious offense under the UCMJ, including malingering. Call us today at (843) 473-3665 for a free consultation.

Malingering involves the intentional production of physical or psychological behaviors due to motivation from external incentives, posing unique challenges to healthcare. Although malingering as an entity has been well studied, the current literature does not explore the intentional production of catatonia-like behavior or how to differentiate malingering from catatonia. Here, we describe a 45-year-old female who was admitted to an acute psychiatric hospital with a complex presentation of catatonia-like signs that was ultimately thought to be volitional behavior, resulting in a diagnosis of malingering. We highlight the important factors considered in her presentation, the differences between her behaviors and true catatonia, and other important differential diagnoses to consider. Although a diagnosis of malingering is difficult to make, we underscore the importance of reaching this conclusion in order to avoid unnecessary and potentially harmful medical interventions. We stress the importance of shifting focus from medical management to more appropriate patient goals such as providing social services and treatment of other underlying psychiatric illnesses.




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